Well.. except in their own dreams
I was going to say; in their own minds but have to discard these in order to follow through with being an atheist since you can’t prove God does not exist so to state you don’t believe God exists sounds daft.
In case you didn’t know as most kids do, adult atheists with brains to think are only atheists in their own minds – i’e as a false construct. That’s right – just like they claim of the believers who are not arrogant (or stupid) enough to assume we know that God doesn’t exist. Atheists would look far less stupid if they changed their impossible position to agonistic – but then that would open up a whole can of worms for them regarding sin and accountability they would rather keep shut. Oh… you mean their decision to not believe in a God might be coloured by their desire to live a certain lifestyle?.. your kidding?! There was one ‘atheist’ I know of that was honest enough to admit publicly the real reason for his atheist was so that he could follow the carnal desires he wished to without having to be accountable to God who ‘didn’t’ exist and therefore I could be unaccountable to everyone.
I’m sorry to be blunt. But don’t trust anyone that says they are an atheist – there is no such thing. How can you say such a thing with such absolute certainly? Well, the reason for this very simple. All atheists know not where they – their mind and thoughts and ‘self’ as opposed to their flesh came from. The two ARE different. God put a question is all living souls – you know the one we ALL ask as kids before the world begins to suggest that perhaps there isn’t a God.
But why can’t you trust them? Because if these people are able by going against all the crying out of their consciences to convince themselves that they believe there is no God when everyone and their mother knows that not even the greatest scientist has any more idea about first cause, or where they came than a small child – they have convinced themselves that hey are wise whilst clearly showing themselves to be fools since NO ONE can prove that God does NOT exist. At the very least hey should be agnostic – but atheist? No – you are seriously deluded if knowing that here is no what to know how your personality appeared in a massive universe without their permission – someone put it there!
In other words if they dellude themselves, they will think nothing of trying to delude you – and what trait do all evil people have bar none? They try to convince others of their position and drag others with them in the vein hope they will be able to say to God; you didn’t give us enough evidence. Though the Bible says exactly the opposite.
You see evil people do want to go to hell on their own – but they are much happier if they are going with a large group in the vein hope there is power in numbers and together they will be able to petition God and convince him and his angels and the watching humans that here wasn’t enough evidence for creation to which God will likely reply;
“So exactly what type of creature, flower, physical phenomenon would have convinced you of my existence other than the ones I already made?” To which there will be silence. I mean how much bigger does the universe need to be made, how many more unseen creatures of unimaginable beauty under the sea does he need to create – how many more beautiful landscapes, sunsets and sunrises does he need to create? The answer is – none.
Yet despite my being unable to think of any other creation filled with more exquisite things and beauty that the cosmos we live in – God tells us in The Bible this is but a shadow of what is to come – a shadow of the creation’s former glory before man shut God out and creation began to die.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)