The banks are already calling crypto-currencies the work of the Devil – whilst laughably behind closed doors scrambling to catch up with the clever folks that invented it to create their own – and surprise – commandeering some of those same clever folks that invented the decentralised versions to do it – kind of going against the whole point of getting away from the banks centralised money system in the first place.
No laughing matter
But it’s not really a laughing matter. The problem that the masses have to the banks advantage, which they will exploit to the full, is that buying crypto-currencies are still only available to anyone who understands and how to buy and maintain them safely (if you do understand it you can invest in some here. See Bitcoin’s value/track record here).
If the banks hate it – there must be something good about it!
But watch out – when the central banks, JP Morgan and the rest soon offer their own ‘alternative’ digital crypto-currency – they will promise to solve the current main ‘problem’ of stolen crypto-currencies by offering to underwrite any stolen from digital wallets – as well as a whole host of other tricks to get the masses to adopt their wallet – which will likely be a ‘hardware/safe’ wallet under the the skin to buy and sell.
The crypto-warriors think they’ve won – but are up against super-rich banks who’ve cottoned on and are now buying up gold so they can win with a new (pretend) gold standard attached to their cryptos (my guess as their next move:)
So I kind of laugh a bit when I see all these young – and it has to be said – geniuses in their basements – and even super-geniuses like John Macaffe who is far more knowledgable or academic than me – and does have an incredible amount of amazing information on the subject to help us with – but who perhaps whilst having all the knowledge, does not have the wisdom of the Bible under his heavy-weight belt – saying that we have somehow beaten the banks. Is he kidding? – the banks will stop at nothing to maintain their power over money and here’s how hey will do it.
The fact is – that the crypto-illiterate and scared of losing their money masses will eventually migrate to and naturally adopt what they think is the safest crypto – as only the banks can (pretend) to offer a ‘safe’ wallet and form of digital currency as they have the power to to pay back any money stolen from digital wallets (and John Mcaffee says money will be stolen).
Listen up crypto-programers – if you want your cryptos to win over the banks – take a little % of the transaction fees and use it to underwrite any lost/stolen cash! You heard it here first!
Of course – adopting the bank’s cryptos will come at the TOTAL loss of our freedom – as once cash is gone and we’ve given our buying and selling over to the banks completely – forever – there is nothing about us (with blockchain) they will not know. And then once Jamie Demon – sorry Dimon has further demonised the decentralised currencies and the public consent to the government making it illegal – they will have won.
That’s my two crypos-worth, and fits perfectly with what the Bible says but as I always say I could be wrong and may have missed something:)
“And he caused all… …to receive a mark in their right hand or forehead… …without which (ID/digital hardware wallet under skin whereby your money cannot be stolen) no man could buy or sell.”

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: