A new world currency was predicted (or foretold) by 1988 Economist Magazine – note the date on the coin – 2018!
The whole point of a crypto-currency is to get away from corruption and scamming bankers and usury and extortion etc by it’s users remaining anonymous – ooops. Great idea – the only problem is – that untold criminals will now be able to carry out business even more easily – and the corrupt bankers are using this to try and crush cryptos – can now use this as their reason to get the help they need from the governments to do it.
So really the inventors – extremely clever as they clearly are in terms of coding – didn’t think it through properly if they want it to succeed longterm and get away from corruption. Sure they will get away from one form – but human heart The Bible tells us is evil – so unless they are very careful the banksters – dodgy as they are themselves – are right about how this may be used improperly (it’s a joke really as they are telling us that they are clean – what a larf!).
To be more precise, all transactions will come under the coming ‘autonomous’ and AI-‘brain’ controlled blockchain to be seen as unbiased and ‘fair’ free from human corruption. Problem is – someone or group, will have the keys to it!
Crypto-currency transactions need to be un-anonymous (at least viewable to the ‘privacy decentralised’ AI-Brain – that ironically will be controlled by a person or group of humans:) – in order to grain credibility and give the bankers no excuse to get rid of – or control it as China have just done. In the meantime, investing in cryptos may be a spanner in the globalists plan and a short term bet against the banksters taking over every transaction on planet earth as fast as they thought, may be quite a sensible one.
The best answer to the worlds problems is self-regulation – individuals knowing and subscribing to the ten commandments, being law-abiding and looking after their neighbours – not enforced mass-regulation. No wonder the commandments have systematically been removed everywhere in preparation for people accepting the latter as the only workable means of removing corruption
But let’s not pretend – it is a bet investment – and the only type I would ever do – and not too much – since unlike a lottery ticket, it is slightly more than money for money’s sake, but the hope that cryptos may actually be a good way to get freedom from banks for at least some time to come. For how long no one knows, as even the Bible says at some point – one person or ‘image’ will have power over all transactions – cryptos or blockchains or whatever.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)