Of course it is, God made it that way. Every day I look outside my window I see wind, rain, hot days and cool days, cold months and sweltering hot months, hot years and cool years, warm decades and cooler ones. When I was a kid in the 1970s, my school teachers were telling us we were in for another ice-age if we did not stop pollution – oh yes – this is REALLY what they were telling us 6-year-olds back in 1977. But you can’t find any information on this for love nor money on the web.
Of course climate change is real
And then there was the change from ‘global warming’ to ‘climate change’ as if that alone is not enough to raise eyebrows amongst everyone – scientist or not, but of course this was done because they too recognised that even though the temperature may be rising over all (or not as the case may be) the word ‘warming’ should never be applied to this subject as even they recognise it’s not continuously warming and that there are times of cooling in between.
It should always be ok to question – science is not consensus, assumption or voting
And then we know that The Thames River in London just a few hundred years ago was practically continuously covered in ice for some time – things were cooler, and now the climate has changed. So am I a climate change denier? No – the climate is always changing. So for me the jury is out – not least because I am not a scientist and do not have access to of means to really understand the science. So I’ll keep my mouth shut on whether or not the whole thing is baloney and just add that in a 1975 interview, Margaret Thatcher – love her or hate her – warned us about the new tide of consensus taking precedence over what is actually fact or fiction. In other words, if enough people think something is right – it is – a ridiculous concept but one that seems to be happening here. Jesus said the gate to truth is always narrow so whilst that may not apply here we should at least head her warning at the least.
We need to listen to both sides
But what happens when a really clever scientist – one who does understand the figures, and the funding of climate research says we need not to assume that the scientists or the science is always correct? Even I know assumptions are not science, and that proof is actually not possible in most cases – only a best estimate based on the numbers and evidence. And often what is ‘proved’ in science turns out to be ‘disproved’ later. Well such a man is in the video posted below. Whatever the truth – we all need to look after the planet period, but be careful not worship it.
Founder of Weather Channel questions climate change
So I am not able to say one way or the other. I do know that vast amounts of money changes hands in this field between companies, scientific research centres (and probably politicians) and more and more will be doing so as climate change becomes a bigger and bigger field of research, and industry gets more and more involved with solving the ‘problem’. See what you make of the scientist below and as ever I suggest watching not just this, but videos by those saying the opposite, and those in between. After all we Christians should never fear and embrace the truth – whichever side the chips fall, even when its not we want to hear.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)