Really? Well this is what the people in the ‘know’ are now telling us. I mean what are we stupid? It would seem as if some people in parliament and/or congress now tend to see anyone without a law degree, or a career in politics as unable to work out the meanings of words these days because they know most of us are too lazy to read, or have discarded our dictionaries. So they are now free to re-write the meanings of any word or phrase they like.
OK I’ll confess I’m not a professor – so what can an uneducated fool like me do to find the truth of what the word Patriot means? Oh hang on, I’ve had a brain-wave; so kids, let us open those dusty old dictionaries and have a look at the actual definition of ‘being patriotic‘ is, and see what it says, so that we don’t have to rely on those doofuses on TV and in ‘government’ or ex-government to tell us what they say it means even though they know full well the truth is otherwise (and hope that this along with many other words that once meant one thing have not been hijacked by the enemy to now mean another).
Here’s an example; once upon a time, in the land of sensibility, when the world and it’s inhabitants had a strange something called wisdom and discernment, the word ‘discriminate’ meant to make an educated and informed decision about something. For example to discriminate between useful or not useful, truth or lie, or safe or not safe etc. Now, it’s just been given the blanket meaning that all ‘discrimination’ is always plain bad bad bad. This, like many other word-twisting exercises often engaged in by the left and sometimes the right or centre is a subtle word-lie – now that word I did make up!
Used to pit person against person group against group – while they get on with being crooked
Who are the real stirrers of hatred? Well let’s look at another example; the word ‘hate’ used to mean; to dislike something that you perceive as bad, or seriously unhelpful. I hate cancer, hate bullies, hate war or hate famine, hate politicians that lie etc. It is now a crime – or seen as one, to hate period – hate is always now thanks to them, perceived as bad. The full meaning once again has been hijacked to zip the mouths of anyone who disagrees with those that who are doing the changing, or at least giving these words new blanket meanings – not giving us or letting us use the full meanings any longer.
Textbook socialism
By artificially defining what hate should now be, disagreeing with any definition stipulated now allows any unscrupulous government to easily put you in court and prison for ‘hating’ – even if you are right to disagree. But this is not new – it’s been going on in Godless countries, governments and with despots the world over for millennia.
The government (or bad people within it unwittingly being used as tools of our adversary) have used these word-changing games magnificently to pit person against person, group against group – with zero interest in these groups or individuals so they can get on unnoticed with the business of being crooked. It’s purely a tool which they can use to stop the anyone they dislike disagreeing with them, should that person or persons notice their crookedness. But with any luck we are all now too scared to speak out about anything we see as wrong.
We have to protect our words – seriously!
The devil does not only come to steal physical goods, but the very words we speak and the meanings thereof if he can, to use for his own ends – often relying on the ignorance of people like me. Why do we think the first thing a person with seriously crooked intentions does, is go out and get a law degree? So they know how to manipulate the law – and more specifically – manipulate words and their meanings by concealing true meanings in long, complex and rambling sentences that only the leaned can possibly understand.
Not to mention they can make a tidy living by charging us fools silly money for ‘unravelling’ and making sense of what God already encapsulated in ten simple, easy-to-understand laws. Basically do not steal , do not lie, do not covet, and a few others the politicians and lawyers could do well to learn. Remember it was by God’s words that we are able to come to know the truth and so the enemy will always seek to twist their meaning.
a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.
Hmm… that strangely doesn’t look like the meaning we were just told by our learned masters? Could it possibly actually mean, that ‘being patriotic’ is simply the act of a person or persons being jealous to keep hold and maintain the principles, stability and assets that a country has gained from generally trying to stick to it’s principles and morals? No it couldn’t possibly. Now – if you love your country and what it stands for, this is somehow now tied inexorably but unfathomably to ‘race’ – something that the people spouting this – to be frank – BS – know full well.
Could it possibly be that ‘being patriotic’ simply says what it means in the dictionary? I know this is a revolutionary thought, but just imagine what this could mean!
I am no racist, I LOVE people from other countries and nations and I love the fact that cultures and people are different colours and races (although Mr learned politician, even the term ‘race’, if you had thought about it, is meaningless, since all of us have mixed DNA to some degree or other and have been from the start – oh yes – because the scientists now tell us what the Bible already told us years ago that we all came from two people in Africa).
My wife-to-be is back and I am white – who cares! I love all races – or tribes to be more precise. However, I don’t always love the ideologies that come from different countries – and sorry leaned masters, that is NOT being racist, and I do not need a law or science degree to understand this simple concept, or need to have these false ‘meanings’ rammed down my throat buy socialist pseudo-intellectuals that have allowed themselves – professing to be wise – become fools.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: