Mark Zuckerberg – the ‘genius’ that having successfully created (or nicked according to the lawsuit brought against him and settled out of court for guess what?… tonnes of wonga) the world’s biggest waste of time – Facetwit – sorry Facebook, now has taken it upon himself to lecture everyone on what global morality should look like, and declared that in future, all people should be paid a minimum wage for, and get this – doing no work – like this is something progressive and a new idea. The fact is, this is just socialism on steroids – gone nuts, and totally regressive in terms of bringing about longterm human happiness.
I have been writing a book for 10 years and the premise is that the super-rich EU-topian elite (fools) try to create a EU-topia (or resurrect Babylon in fact – you know – the city that God himself broke up into nations, borders and tongues to ever-so-wisely dilute the power that any one nation or person could have, according to their own EU posters and pamphlets! Google it if you don’t believe it) in which all the King’s subjects are given ‘credits’ to buy food and ‘entertainment’ – since all they do is sit around all day, take selfies, and play games and no work. It’s a sort of permanent holiday camp – like being stuck in Butlin’s with no hope of ever escaping.
And no doubt the loony left will succeed in taking in the young – who having all become totally addicted and enslaved to his virtual muck spreading machine that is Facetwit – I mean Facebook – the site that ‘connects’ you to all the wrong people a million miles away you couldn’t possibly have anything other than a superficial lip-service based relationship with – will all think that the ever grey t-shirt wearing Mark is a revolutionary thinker.
Let me say; there is only one way to be fulfilled in life – to work, look after your neighbours and family, serve others and pay your way – God made us that way. Having a spouse, family and kids – I believe that comes in second in terms of fulfilment – important as it is. For those that are unable physically or mentally, there should indeed be a safety net – the church – not the government who will use this as an excuse to reach into the pockets of the hard workers and doll it out to the lazy in order to keep their votes and their voters enslaved. Work = freedom. Handouts = slavery. And no, working is not a world full of talking heads writing articles like this one, and creating endless news videos about other people’s endless news videos. Are we all eventually going to be working for Youtube? God forbid.
Now there are two ways to get rich; 1) work hard 2) steal. Socialism under the guise of ‘fairness’ is actually theft of something that belongs to one person given to another buy the King or in this case our rich socialist masters. The Bible is clear – WE the people are to give to and serve our neighbours – it is not the government’s job. That is shirking our God-given responsibility to look after the poor – to really love our nearest neighbours -not pay lip-service to a bazillion Facebook friends.
The Ten Commandments sum up the real solutions world’s problems; Thou Shalt Not Covet (land, resources, spouses, lifestyle etc etc) – and Thou Shalt Not Steal – Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness (Twitter) – Thou Shalt Honour Thy Father and Mother (millennials) etc. These laws – God’s simple easy-to-keep laws are what’s needed to be engraved on all minds to change society from the inside out – no enforced giving and control of the people in the form of the band-aid that is socialism – a sticking plaster on the world’s problems that Jesus clearly did not tell us to use.
It’s giving of ones OWN time and money – not giving of someone ELSE’S time and money via the hand of government God requires. Government should be small and limited in power – the church was intended to be the ‘welfare’ system. But then if the governments around the world are seeking to slowly abolish Christianity (as this alone allows real liberty, equality and freedom of the people) and the people are happy to let them – then what solution is left other than an enforced, socialist single world order.
It’s simple; even the atheistic elites (such as Richard Dawkins and Hitchens) admit that world peace can only come in two ways – what they see as the false religion of Christianity (people censoring their own behaviour seeing themselves under the watch and judgement of God) which both admit has a good effect on society – or – total socialistic control of everything and everyone under one global system. Since they will not come under God’s authority – they are forced to choose the later (yes – the socialist one-world ‘utopian’ order that the Bible foretells).
Hence the elites being largely atheistic and self-serving (or at least not believing in or choosing serving the God of The Bible) we see them attempting to implement socialism all over the once free West – and in fact all over the world – at an alarming rate. Sucking in all the kids, that don’t know history, religion or the unquenchable human desire for more and more power like lambs to the slaughter who ultimately will be slaves to this coming and Bible-predicted single word order.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: