This has got to be a joke right? Sadly not, their at it again and where it will end is frightening. Another bunch of lunatics have escaped and are attempting to further modify our language to conform with so-called social ‘norms’ which they naively think is improving justice, but as always just ends up by only strengthening the walls of the straight jacket and prison planet they are unwittingly creating for themselves and others. So much for and far from progressive, the next thing they will order us to do is get rid of all pronouns entirely so we have to grunt to communicate. Hang on a minute – didn’t we do that 4000 years ago? Seems rather regressive to me… or… is there another agenda to all this than the ‘equality’ stuff that the governments are rubber-stamping that we are missing?
We know (and often forget) the Devil’s greatest weapon is deception and he almost never does his greatest works and damage out in the open, and being a coward always tries to enter via the back door. Hmm. So we might do well to remember that when we see the PC brigade doing their thing, and the myriad of weak people and organisations and governments cave in and follow their so-called ‘equality’ rules, knowing how the devil operates, it’s very likely – almost a given – that it’s not, and never been the ‘minority’ groups groups he or his subjects purport to support that they really care about. What they really care about is shutting anyone up that would dare to question the morality of what is being done or called the ‘norm’. In other words – they want to abolish accountability of their deeds and be accountable to no one, and one person in particular is God. The best and quickest most effective way to do this without getting involved yourself (i.e ridding yourself of all blame)?… suggest and promote and encourage the people to demand the government sign into law PC policies that alienate anyone that is brave enough to call it out for what it is.
These word changes would be funny if it wasn’t so seriously misguided
The Bible speaks of men in the last days calling what is good evil and what is evil good and The Devil has for millennia, simply by altering the ‘meanings’ of words, been able to manipulate huge groups of people and now the nations without lifting a finger, cajoling those that are weak-willed and easily manipulated into doing his bidding. The governments that ‘support’ these equality laws and rules pretend to have their people’s interests at hearts, when in reality they know that nothing is more powerful to them than a people that is kept in check by other people – and even better if the people themselves sensor their own speech.
PC brigade and their supporters are sadly just pawns in the hands of those that rule over them
And of course pitting one group against another it’s an ancient tactic used by countless despots and dictators to turn get the people – the masses to do their bidding for them. So we must be on guard when we Christians start to embrace this nonsense and understand that we are being manipulated – even the minority groups themselves are being used as pawns in the giant chess game designed to eliminate God from home, classroom, court, and ultimately the temple of God – people themselves.
In the end Political Correctness gives the government power to put anyone they want in a straight jacket – including the PC folk that initiated it
Political correctness is at best, a power hungry politicians ticket to over-reaching anything, anytime they wish, and at worst a despot’s dream come true. Then such despots can simply sit around a board table and make up social norms that go against their liberal and so-called ‘progressive’ agendas and sign them into law so that anyone who challenges them (namely their opponents) can be locked up for ‘hate speech.’ All this so-called new sounding ‘equality’ and anything-goes stuff really does sound progressive but in reality it’s all happened before – usually just before the collapse of the empire that signs it into law.
They think they are playing with words but they are playing with fire
God gives the peoples of any nation a chance to repent, but once they have allowed a government to go against His laws, and specifically actively encouraged their leaders to legalise something and stamp their seal of approval on it so that good is now officially evil and evil is now officially good, then the game is usually up since unfortunately at this point history shows us that there is nothing that can be done with that people once they have reached that point. They have pulled the blinders down so far that they are not able to see well enough to lift them. The fact is there really is nothing new under the sun.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: