So would I pick Hilary or Donald? I’d vote for Ben Carson – except he would then have to seriously compromise his strong religious and moral convictions to actually be president, making me frankly grateful he’s out of the race for his own sake. So it seems we have no choice except Hilary or Donald – in other words – voting now has become a damage-limitation exercise for me for the Hilary we do know – to the Donald we don’t know with the exception that he’s not politically correct, no politician for that matter, and more rarely and perhaps more importantly in today’s politics – he doesn’t need any person’s or big corporation’s money. What’s scary is that there may be no good option and that both Hilary and The Donald may be God’s judgement on America. I sincerely hope it’s not but after watching recent decisions and laws passed in the US I fear it may be.
Honesty and integrity in politics is thing of the past
So all we are left with are these two – neither of which I would want to invite to tea. So we must vote for one of the two candidates above according to what’s really at stake in the world – not just our pockets and in America. Yes freedom of speech is under fire and political correctness has turned most of us into unthinking and self-editing zombies and they are threatening to take away the peoples right to defend themselves (as all corrupt politicians eventually seek to do if you look at history) – but there might be something far worse that needs our attention. A threat the outcome of which might be life or death for thousands – even millions of people that relates directly to how these two ‘leaders’ relate to that threat. That threat is a cornered Russian bear.
Voting is now more about damage limitation
For what it’s worth, here’s my take on Hilary and Donald. Hilary I don’t trust – simple. Too many things don’t add up that she’s not been held accountable for and I don’t want someone unaccountable ruling the world. It’s always been seen as pure conspiracy but it does appear that many of these people are above the law. Donald also may be a bit of a rouge – in business and other areas but – but he’s pretty open about it, and does not pretend to be anything else. So Donald for me is the less of the two evils (which I say without forgetting that I am no better a person than Donald or Hilary according to Jesus with his ‘he who casts the first stone’ saying) and appears more intent on encouraging people to get to a higher level on their own steam rather than creating more dependency with handouts and pulling them up with a rope they can let go of any time they want. But apart from that there seem to be more serious global power struggles that involve Russia and it’s neighbours that could flare up and affect us all at any time.
Anyway, I’m no Alex Jones fan unless I want a laugh at his sometimes crazy statements and behaviour however, this particular AJ report contains real footage from real meetings that actually happened that we all need to see. Watch the video and I urge you to vote for a president who might give the world more stability in this regard and not less – by not constantly wasting lives and money by endlessly invading other people’s countries and stirring up hornets’s nests all over the world as many leaders seem to be doing.
Also see this article on a real threat to world peace other than ISIS.
Nuclear war with Russia is imminent says NATO general

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: