I’ve never been much interested in voting, as ever since I was a kid it was clear to me that both sides are actually usually just the same people with different veneers and the whole thing is a gravy train and a career for most politicians. The love of money is the root of all evil right? (I said love of – not money itself). But things are really getting serious now that the once Christian West has allowed a huge vacuum to open up that is waiting to be filled – and in fact is already being filled at break neck speed with anything and everything horrible – or every unclean bird as the Bible interestingly puts it. The world – or at least the West needs fixing (the Middle-East will aways be broken the Bible foretells, until our Lord comes). At least, we need to put off as long as possible what the Bible tells us will happen, and the events we see unfolding are proving the Biblical prophecies to be frighteningly accurate.
As it stands, we have possibly just 1 person in the world at this time that might – I repeat might be able to do something about it. Someone I’m not sure I’d want to be mates with – The Donald Trump, who is quite ungodly in many aspects – what – you mean like me and you?… the sick people in need of a spiritual doctor that Jesus Christ came to save?.. yep that’s who I mean. So next time you think that you will not vote for someone just because they are ungodly – remember that Jesus is still interceding and voting for us in our fitly rags.
No – it’s clear a real Christian will get nowhere in high-level politics because you need to be honest in all respects and politics by its very nature is all about manoeuvring – that’s what political means! In the end you have to sell out or give in to temptation just to continue or be shot down by God-less opposition playing on what will always be (until the lord comes) the uneven playing field of good versus evil – unless you happen to be an almost extinct rarity in modern politics – i.e not bought by the powers behind it.
So then, if we can’t have Jesus Christ running the country we better to get someone in to do the job of fixing the nation that really has the credentials to do it and has not – I repeat has not – unlike all the other candidates been bought by big business and friends in high places, that will jump to any tune when push comes to shove. Donald won’t and more importantly does not need to as far as I can tell. I could be wrong but we need a highly skilled surgeon with b***s the size of 747’s to fix America at this stage (stage 3.9 in my view) and anything later than NOW might spell the end of democracy, Christianity as we know it and the resulting real freedom it brings and has brought to all of us.
After all – I would not be writing this article had it not been for the light of the Bible once being in every household, university (most of the big ones were founded by clergymen), school, family, church and workplace, and it’s cleansing effect on America and Western society as a whole, it’s politics and people, nations and rulers. But having thrown God out with the bath water in the early 1960’s in the USA particularly, this cleansing effect and the resulting inevitable freedom it brought may not last much longer.
We Christians and ordinary folk that are complaining about what is happening in our nations and their God-less, spiritual vacuums being filled to breaking point by everything we don’t need, need to go back to church and re-embrace the simple but beautiful ten commandments if we have any hope of ever seeing the wood for the trees again or being led by leaders that have any shred of moral conscience or honesty.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)