Used by permission of C. Dobson
What I want to share with you is my understanding of God, as I see him through my own human and spiritual eyes. To start with I think it’s great we have the Bible which lets us know about God and how God has interacted with us. We also have the Holy Spirit in faith and Gods creation all around us to marvel at. So what do I mean by God the father?
What sort of a father is God? We all know that God is a loving God but as we look at the Old Testament we see God has much more characteristics then just love alone. Let me put it to you like this.. If God had heaps of characteristics to show us about himself it would take a really long time to show us who he is. Now if we look back since the time of Adam and Eve we can see Gods character traits in so many different ways, the first is giving free will to his creations, especially the will to reject him, then we could also look at the dark spiritual forces that have been allowed to linger around for Gods purposes, God is also a God that creates universes, God is also a God that existed before anything else existed, (try getting your head around that), God also chooses to be invisible, God is God of the living but he must also be the God of the dead because when Jesus died God still had lordship over the situation and brought Christ back to life, God also allows his people to be slaughtered but he also saves his people to, some people he allows to prosper and others he allows them to suffer.
Some people only go after God’s blessing and favor where there is no suffering and their lives drip with milk and honey. Others believe we should be middle of the road while others take up a life of poverty. The truth is that if we all went one way without the others then we would lose characteristics of God as a reflection in Christian nature.
Let me give you another example. If God was just a God about love and no suffering then he could have easily made us that way into eternity. The reason why God has planned everything the way he has isn’t just to show us the good end of the stick but to show us who God is in the journey sense as well as in the salvation sense. People just expect god to be a God who will protect you and allow no harm to come upon you but if it was that way for everyone then we wouldnt get as a human race to see the many characteristics God wants to show us about himself. How would we see things like faith and hope if we never fell. If we never sinned then how would we know the tru meaning of real sacrifice. Or if we never expericed death and suffering then how would we know the meaning of it. Why does God want to show us death and suffering. It is because he wants to show us its opposite end.
Remember that most of the prophets were killed and slaughtered including John the Baptist and most of the 12 disciples including Paul. People say that God doesn’t want that to happen to his children. We also must remember that god sent Jesus into the world to die on a cross for our sins amongst many other things. God is so much more than just a tooth fairy that is all about being positive.
The bible said the best way we can see who God is, is through observing Jesus but we have little to go off reading about Jesus and Jesus’s life to see who God is . We only have snippets which reveal God as a God of love. God reveals this to us through Jesus but how would we know that God is a God of love if we hadn’t fallen so badly into a sinful nature. How would we know what lengths God would go to, to protect us if he hadn’t created and planned everything the way he has.
There’s much more to this whole thing than meets the eye. It’s as though everything has been set up before creation existed. For when God created the Angles was the beginning when God had planned to have an eternal wife which is us. Since the first created thing beyond the spiritual realm was created was the beginning of Gods plan for and eternal bride. For when God created something beyond himself before there was anything else was when God decided to act upon his plan for us. This is why so many people have given their lives up for Christ and the Gospel, because they know and have faith in God’s plan for eternal salvation.
People say death and suffering is not from God but i disagree, I believe that God creates his opponents for a reason. Remember when God created everything outside of himself he did it for a reason…
i dont believe God got bored and created the angles, some fell and were sent to earth to test and tempt us, i dont believe god just tried to make good out of a bad sitsuation…..and sent jesus to make us feel better and offer eternal life…no no no…
when God created the first thing, what ever it was, whether in the spiritul or the universe or both that was the beginning of life…but for life to be genuine and live with God forever death needed to be created to to test it when death is destroyed, life that God has called to live for ever with him forever will reign with him forever
Something to think about
When Jesus came into the world he wasn’t just coming to save mankind from their sins and prosper them, but announcing Gods eternal plan for his eternal bride.
His peace

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: