I find it very curious, who the Dragon – spoken of in The New Testament in Revelation, makes war on in the end-times. Surely he makes war on those that go to church?.. or what about those people that are good and worship God… or what about those people that call themselves ‘Christian’?
Well you may be surprised like I was when it sunk in, that the Dragon does not makes war on any of these groups specifically. But The Bible is VERY specific about who the Dragon makes war on and who he is really upset with – who he hates, and who given the power to do so – would eliminate in a heartbeat.
Who does the Dragon make war on in the last days?
“And the dragon was wroth with the woman (church), and went to make war with the remnant of her (the churches) seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ…”
So – whilst we know very clearly from The Bible that salvation is NOT of doing good works (why should it be since all have fallen short – most of us pretty badly) – The Bible also tells us clearly who the people are that are Godly – i.e not those that make it to heaven by the skin of their teeth so to speak by simply believing in Christ – which does appear possible according to the Bible; it is those that keep God’s laws or commandments.
And we know this since the Dragon is ant-Christ – therefore if he makes war on those that keep God’s commands – God’s laws – he is by nature anti-commandments – anti-law – ‘The Lawless One’ – which means, we must keep the laws of God if we are to be Christ-like and not anti-Christ – regardless of salvation which comes through faith (Abrahams’s righteousness was credited to him because he had faith in God and God’s goodness – not because Abraham’s deeds were perfect, but he believed what God told him to be true). And what did Jesus tell us?; “I have not come to do away with the law but to fulfil it” – in other words to do it! Oh how we never hear these words today in church where many pastors (quite understandably in todays times of expensive buildings, costly youth pastors, lighting and having to keep up with the Osteens) are scared of losing bums on seats – and ultimately pounds in coffers!
Take a good look at the ten commandments – are they that hard to keep? Perfectly maybe – but to keep day to day as best we can – no! How hard is it not to steal? – not to bear false witness? – not to covet something that does not belong to you? – to honour mother and father? – to not pick up a chisel and carve graven images and to only serve the one true God? Not as hard as we are always being told I believe. Now if you are talking about keeping the hundreds of Jewish laws added later perfectly then yes – impossible! “My burden is light – my yolk easy” said Jesus and so are His commandments.
It also follows that the practicing of keeping of these simple and righteous and non burdensome laws (knowing also that it is not keeping the law that saves us but believing in God’s and His son Jesus and his teachings) will steadily soften our hearts, but wilfully not keeping them is dangerous and will harden our hearts and make us only suitable for burning. We cannot be perfect, but we must stay facing God and His softening light. All we need to to be assured salvation is not turn our backs on Him and this light. We may go left and right, but none of us need turn completely away.
Also, do not think of keeping God’s commandments as ‘works’ My question is; since when has a ‘work’ been not doing something? How can it be a work to not steal? Works and keeping God’s commandments because we love Him are different things. Works are the good deeds we do whilst in the body for God and others with will determine our rewards in heaven.
The above are my views of course from reading the Bible but please do your own study and ask God’s Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth. It only remains then for us as Christians to decide for ourselves by studying the scriptures what these commands are, and what the testimony of Jesus Christ is. God bless you.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)