Madonna goes viral at the Twit Awards
I don’t like to poke fun at other people’s misfortunes – it’s bad practice, but Madonna seems to be an expert at doing it to herself and this might be my one exception. I am sick to death of these self-appointed ‘stars’ and their ever more outrageous behaviour that in many parts of the world would actually be illegal unknown to most Westerners.
A lesson for all of us
It is worth noting that if you set yourself up as a idol, sooner or later (hopefully sooner) if in the unlikely event you avoid becoming a caricature of your former self, God is very likely to knock you off your perch for you. Just look at poor Elvis, Morrison, Hendrix, Joplin, Cobain, Houston, Jackson, Carpenter, Sid Vicious and the whole host of other ‘stars’ that have fallen from grace and died before their time having signed on the music industry’s (sorry – The Devil’s) dotted line and ascended to demi-god status by allowing him to sift and suck the talent and eventually the very breath and life out of them.
What’s real talent?
By the way, the word talent comes from an old description of money – so as you have heard – some people have a God-given talent and this is literally true, except a talent from God is a real form of currency and investment and one that could (if you will use it wisely) last forever and benefit all mankind – not the silly money that men think it’s clever to invest in others in order to gain a quick buck without working – there is NOTHING clever about not working for your money in fact, the opposite is true but that’s another article – no – God’s talent has real value and can have real rewards and benefits for all – not just the money-hungry investor. The question is?… what are YOU going to do with your talent, what God invested in you, and how are you going to use it and – who are you going to use it for? Are you going to emulate Madonna young people?
Now you see her now you don’t!
I had to think twice about putting this article under ‘Music’. I may just create a new category called; ‘Noise’. To be frank, I wish she’d fallen of hers a long time ago when her records stopped being half decent. And I don’t mean dead – I may be being a bit mean today (through exasperation only I assure you!) but I’m not that mean! But having just read this ‘article’ back (and added this line) I am shocked by my own headlines and writing. I guess I must be fed up with the incessant rantings and garbage or ‘pop’ stars living in the twilight zone.
Horns, beasts and devils – what’s got into her?
Madonna will want to make sure it wasn’t just her head that rolled after her beast and Devil glorification ceremony… sorry I mean after her ‘performance’ at the ‘Brit Awards’ – or a better title for those numb-skulled morons who think that either God is not watching them or that they can actually mock Him without being knocked of their bird-brained perches might be ‘Nit Awards’ or dare I say it; ‘Twit Awards’!
Has Madonna put a little rock n roll back into her shows?

Oooops!… the bigger they are the harder they fall. Surely ‘Madonna’ – this really is a sign from someone upstairs that it’s time to quit?
I’m sorry, I don’t normally say things like this but Madonna has turned into such a… well disagreeable personage, helping to corrupt all our children with lewd shows and sexually explicit lyrics and Godless songs, that I just have no patience left for this kind of trashy nonsense any more.
Let’s get real people. We put people like her who ‘write’ repetitive tunes with meaningless (on the surface) lyrics, put to a 3-bob dance beat with an obligatory dance routine to go, on a pedestal way above the people in society that really matter and are really important. And I don’t mean web-masters like myself, critics or other generally un-productive people who are largely non-contributors to society – most of us are more interested in twitting our vacuous opinions than actually getting off our be-hinds and doing something for someone – no – I’m talking about doctors, nurses, toilet attendants, train drivers, bus driver and so on – you know the people that do real work and actually make life better and get paid for an honest living – not for seeing how far one can stretch the boundaries of ‘art’ and shocking people (as an artist I feel I have some credibility to discuss this matter) or people who look for ever more lurid ways to entice and ensnare the young (and old) in their webs of fantasy. What happened to the good, the honest, the decent, the uplifting, the edifying?
It’s Madonna – not her wardrobe that’s malfunctioned
Come on Madonna – we’re all guilty of it but you really are still a small girl shouting out to be noticed in a grown woman’s body – apart from learning to sing in tune, isn’t it time to give up all this child’s play, come out of the kindergarten and at least go to school? You can watch the ridiculous chain of events – oh, and the fall – unfold here.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: