America – What Happened?

This is a soon-to-be portrait of the once great and free nation of The United States of America!
My favorite country may soon resemble my favorite breakfast
When I was a kid in the UK, sure people used to mock Americans for their silly accents and their funny TV shows and on the bazar musical and fashion tastes. But the fact is this was all jealousy. The other fact is that whatever the Americans turned their hands to they were better at it than anyone else. But this is all about to change forever, because in line with Biblical direction and promises of God to hand those people that do not love truth over to their enemies, they were fooled (sent strong delusion) into letting the wolf look after the hen-house – a take-over from within by liberal socialists who can see no other way to peace and security than having total control or everything and everyone – just as the Bible predicts will happen.
The flower flourished, but without water is about to wither
For a time America was like the beautiful wild but free flowers described in The Bible. Even with all her terrible faults and misdemeanours, she abided generally by Biblical principles and based her laws and moral compasses were set to the same, even if many individuals within the system were and are corrupt, this is not the point that America has proven; namely that if a country sets its foundations on Biblical ones, regardless of the corruption of individuals within it and their wrong headed motive it will still flourish regardless because that is the POWER of abiding by God’s laws and the light they bring to a dark word. The overall sum of a God-fearing nation far outweighs the corrupt individuals and corporations in that nation. But, there comes a point when God’s protective hand is removed. And that point is when the people desire a king and let kings rule over them over the real king. That point has been reached when the american people ‘voted’ in King Obama. He knows far better than them what this means and is exploiting it to the full – so much so it’s hard to imagine that he is not doing it on purpose – glad to see the back of the ‘Great Satan’ as it’s known in his former circles.
It may be too late
And I’m not talking about some great nuclear destruction, or joint take-over by the Chinese and Russians – although that seems to be an ever-growing and more likely possibility the more that the White House purposely goads and pokes the great bear of the north and mocks the eastern leaders. No – this is simply a case of the peoples of America allowing the politicians to throw away their Bibles, banish truth, and banish God from schools, homes, workplaces and families and worship idols and false Gods – the Gods of money and sex and Godlessness.
All of this is done by the Godless (or at least not our God) politicians in the name of ‘equality’ and ‘fairness’ out of one side of their mouths when talking to the public – but out of the other side of heir mouths comes what is really really a means to use the public to do their bidding for them and accomplish their number one goal without even lifting a finger so that they can never be accused of anything themselves, and blame any persecution of those that don’t want to play ball in their new Utopia on the public, who having abandoned their moral compasses say yes to everything that’s wrong – and no to everything that’s right – unable to tell the difference and staying silent on issues that may get them into trouble.
And what is this goal? The same goal that has existed since the garden, and was carried on by Nero and all the other despots and self appointed leaders with messiah complexes in history, and now by the dictators in suits; to silence the people of the one God that has real power over them so they can do as thou wilt. The God of the Christians and the one God these people should, and refuse to be accountable to, so they can have complete and total control of everyone and everything in order to bring about their new world of ‘peace and security’ that as we with any sense all know will last all but about five minutes until some maniac gets their hands on this single system that is all but complete and ready to roll – if they haven’t already.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: