In a courtroom people are often convicted not for actually carrying out a crime themselves with their own hands, but they are convicted because they were associated with or complicit in or even guilty for NOT speaking up about some known crime. This is called being ‘guilty by association’ and something The Bible makes very clear we as people and even more so as enlightened Christians are all guilty in the cosmos’s most heinous crime – namely that of revolting against God. And we too are also called guilty by association – and even not associating with the right side in The Bible. This means God is saying that we are not off the hook in this cosmic heist by merely staying out of it, by sitting in the sidelines or by keeping silent on matters of eternity as so many mainstream celebs, new men and women and people in power in order to retain their income and are able to feed themselves and their families.
Playing around

Wolves or sheep? You decide, but we should not be inviting known con-artists onto Christian media programs and radio shows if we are serious in these end-days and want to retain an ounce of credibility. The suits, gold watches, flash cars, planes and slick haircuts tell you far more than the words that most prosperity teachers speak. Non-Christians seem to see through these people far more easily than us! Time is too short for continuing this nonsense prosperity garbage that has led millions of Christians into a false teachings. If only Christ was here with his whip he could usher them out of their crystal palaces and golden temples.
So in the same way I am increasingly becoming more alarmed as I see Christian pastors and presenters and celebrities ‘doing business’ with people who are frankly un-savory to say the least. I can’t tell you how many people I have lost respect for recently that formerly I was listening to and watching when they suddenly had on their programs and shows, people who really should never even be allowed to step foot on the set or in the studio let alone appear on air together. Sorry but I feel I must and will call a spade a spade.
Strong delusion
This came to my attention most vividly in the last week when I was pointed to a TruNews clip – an interesting and informative alternative Christian news show that I often listen too advertised above the clip an interview with ‘Christian’ charlatan Rodney Howard Brown. Instantly I thought; how is this man Rick Wiles interviewing such an obvious fakery of a name-and-claim it preacher and still retain my respect and listening ear?
We’ve all done it
Then I was sharply reminded that he who is not guilty (in this case by association) should cast the first stone and my self righteous attitude to these programs was squashed in an instant. In other words we have all including me been guilty of association and I am bound to be guilty of in future being the sinner I am.
So now rather than chastise Rick Wiles who I like and Im sure is genuine in his endeavours and does good work – but I want to draw to everyone’s attention that inviting people to work with us and supping with people we know to be leading the flock astray and turning a blind eye because it’s their issue and I need to keep my ratings up… is not good enough in these last days.
Calling a spade a spade
We need to get serious and question who we invite on our ‘Christian’ shows and think less about the bottom line. We need to stop these prosperity teachers and the likes in their tracks not encourage them and keep them in business and give them an even wider audience! Rick – if you’r reading, which I’m sure you aren’t please reconsider and think more carefully about who you invite on your show so I can keep listening to the great work you do!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: