
Shhh… Samsung is Listening to You!

And only the other day as I watched a documentary about the holocaust did my friend say; “see – all those people that say we live in a police state are mad!” Lol… of course we know it’s true that the police state is and has been here for ages. It’s just that it’s not been gotten hold of by some dictator yet – or err – actually I might be wrong on that one looking at the current White House staff rota!

Even though part of us just wants to believe that maybe these people have an ounce of humanity left in them. So if you just bought a new flat-screen – you got a bit more than you bargained for. I’m laughing as I write because the world has just gone double nuts! I mean WHY decide in some board meeting somewhere that this is a good idea – you HAVE to be nuts right?!!!!!

I can hear it now; “at Samsung we take customer privacy very seriously!” Yes we can see that because they now record your voice and record you on video. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are kidding me – this would be funny if it wasn’t so scary. But come on – we’ve all known this kind of thing has been going on for years and it’s all predicted in The Bible and by every conspiracy theorist out there. It’s just

God help us all!

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