I know what you’re thinking!.. you mean a Christian has even read this garbage?!!! Well no, I haven’t actually read it – but I did read a few pages. I saw it on my friend’s shelf who said she had picked it up from a second hand bookstore and said she was about to read it having; “heard it was good” but obviously not having a clue about the depravity and to be honest, ‘creative’ nonsense and mumbo-jumbo it contained.
The Broad Road
It’s the kind of junk that the young (and now older immature) ‘hip’ folk think is wonderful and talk about these days as if it somehow adds something positive to society. You can hear it now; “It broadens people’s minds.” Yes – it sends them like dumb animals to the slaughter further down the broad path that leads to destruction! Anyhow both my friend and I were both in the same boat not really understanding it’s full nastiness, but admittedly I knew a little more about it and my hackles went up as soon as I saw it.
Depraved & sick
So I picked up this book also having heard a great stir about it being a ‘cool new concept’ whereby many people contribute to one book (I have actually been working on a similar idea for ten years so nothing is new under the sun despite what they tell you) but this was early days and I didn’t realise what a depraved and evil idea and book this was. Of course it goes without saying that the more evil things are now days the more ‘successful’ they become.
Needless to say after delving for a few minutes in the pages, I said to my friend; “you must trash this book immediately without delay.” After a few strange looks and I explained exactly what the whole thing appeared to be about she agreed and thankfully I haven’t seen it on her book shelf since. I was very amused to see that the first automated Google ads that appeared on this page was: ‘Rubbish Collection’! Very apt indeed for this literary crap – yes I said it crap! (that’s the strongest word I will dare use).
50 Shades of utter tripe
I’m sorry but these people that write these kinds of books are stupid – really stupid. Why?.. because they are corrupting our youth and adults – as if we could be corrupted any more in today’s society where black is white and white is black, right is wrong and wrong is right.
Bringing down judgement
What they are doing is contributing to God bringing down His judgement upon us all. Hopefully He will spare those that renounce and run from this kind of thing. We must all boycott such utter trash as 50 Shades of Utter Tripe – sorry, 50 Shades of Grey.
God help us
Hopefully someone will see my ‘alternative’ title for the book and write a satirical (and clean) comedy version of it ripping the whole thing to shreds as it deserves – ruining our kids and the minds of the few sane adults that are left in the world!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)