Is this true? Of course it is – we all knew it instinctively without needing to know the numbers as this kind of lying is par for the course amongst the elite and media who use young folks who conveniently for them have heads and souls buried in their social media platforms and endless other distractions oblivious of what their real masters are actually up to behind their walled and gated mansion doors. If only the real modern slaves (the ones protesting) could see who their real masters are. The Devils’ most useful tactic was – and always will be distraction. If it’s in the church you can bet it’s in the world.
375,000,000 police interactions – 99.9% positive
So what’s the answer apart from the long-term answer of bottom up personal reform and teaching children the truth? Simple: remove bad apples – ESPECIALLY those in Washington and media outlets exploiting this for their OWN political and lawless ends – the globalists who are bent on bringing down America – the only truly free country left in the world by telling lies to the young and impressionable about their digital utopia whilst masquerading as angels of light – a particularly awful sin and one the Bible warns about, that those who put a stumbling blocks before children (God’s most precious) will reserve a special justice.
Top-down sticking plasters are a terrible fix!
Remember young folks when you support these mad politicians who want you under their single world government that ancient despots could only dream of but is now in view – if you signup up to this humanist ‘solution’ (it’s inevitable as that’s the only solution they have right?) and lie there is NO going back. Meantime – we must all keep working on the problem of black folks being treated unfairly everywhere it happens – and that’s a lot of work. We all know this happens and this honest policeman said it. May God pour out special blessings – whatever form that may come in on our black brothers and sisters.
We need bottom-up personal reform – teach kids the Biblical truth – we are ALL one blood!
This man says what we all know is true but bring reported otherwise by sick media outlets to stir up trouble and advance the left politicians.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: