Hi all! I have just started a premium (yet it’s still the cheapest dating site on the web:) and woken up to find this morning to find some Russian’s have put up many many subdomains using my ‘101’ brand to steal the singles site traffic – and branded their site 101ChristianSingles.doman1, 101SingleChristians.doman2, 101datingChristian.domain3 etc etc. It’s a age-old technique folks use to short cut the hard work of gaining a good reputation and search engine traffic. Where unsuspecting Internet users signup to a site they think is yours, but it isn’t.
The web can be a dirty business
What is it with these people who steal and write false reviews and do all manner of evil? Christian sin unwillingly but these people love it. I’ve had everyone – even a Christian couple (bless them) – a designer and her husband steal my web designs (downloaded and rebranded the whole fusion101 dating site and after much denial admitted it – it’s still online:). I’ve had people download and rebrand entire sites of articles relating to my ‘101ChristianSingles’ name and I can only conclude it’s what they call the human condition – laziness – taking shortcuts to success on the back of others. And in the Russian’s case – I’m sure they think that no one is looking over their shoulder (God). I suppose that is the nature of the web – it brings out the best and the worst of everybody in the great drama of life. The web is a dirty business for some folks – but t will bite them in the **** in the end – God sees everything – and that includes my sins too!
Will the REAL 101ChristianSingles stand up!
Well – in case you are wondering what the web address of the real ‘101 Christian Singles’ service is – it can be found here; www.101christiansingles.com. Don’t search and click links – always type in the real address of a site you want to join or enter your card info on. Well – now i have to go through the whole process of reporting this impersonator – thus the Devil has temporarily thwarted my mission to help single Christians! But I’ll get there in the end!
100% FREE Christian Dating | Premium Christian Singles | Christian Dating Advice
God bless you all and safe surfing!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)