I launched 101ChristianMagazine in 2014 as I felt Christian magazines were more about your best life now and pop culture rather than the harsh realities of picking up your cross and denying yourself.
I stared 101ChristianMagazine.com back in 2014 as I was concerned at the number and amount of ‘Christian’ magazines that focused on celebrities and your-best-life-now and health and wealth – rather than the bare knuckle truth and reality of Christianity, and what it means to be a Christian – ie living a life of simplicity and servitude towards friends, family and neighbours rather than concentrating on worldly issues like how to be successful or famous and a Christian.
It seems every time I look a Christian Magazine cover I see the smiling face of a Christian who’s made it and featuring articles on how this person ‘does life’ as a Christian in todays world. That’s fine – but me – I wanted something different where we get back to the basics and Jesus and Christ – i.e the harsh Christian of your worst life now and how to deal with THAT in todays culture!
That’s much harder and much more needed than perpetuating a sort of Christian pop culture that at some point will come to an end and be replaced by what the bible foretells – ie isolation, rejection, and marginalisation for anyone that would dare to pick up their cross and attempt to live like and follow Jesus and the ten commandments.
I would wager most Christians will tell you the ten commandments are irrelevant and no longer applicable – that is of course until someone violates them in regards to the commandments – steals their stuff or wife or their children do not honour them. This is what we need – a return to the Christian values that were held for 1950 years unchanged until pop changed everything and the gospel was diluted to suit and accommodate the culture.
Then when I heard that Donald Trump was attacked by the editor of Christianity Today Magazine I knew I’d done the right thing. Not because Donald is the messiah (thank goodness the great Christian and gentle surgeon Ben Carson was NOT elected President as he would have been torn to shreds by the left) or because he Donald is Christian (is he I don’t rally know?) – but because it was clear he was put there by God to undo the last 50 years of socialism, liberalism and rebellion against God – perhaps even unknown to himself, but clearly to Christians like many of the biblical figures – some even ungodly man and women – that God used in his cosmic tapestry to protect or liberate his also often rebellious people.
But we must remember, God chose and promised to liberate his people NOT because they were special – but because HE was special. Like marriage it was a covenant (unbreakable) – NOT a contract. Our breakdown of marriage and the fact we Christians have demanded our leaders turn it back into a plain contract should we become bored or feel unjustly treated by our spouse just as Moses followers demanded – is testament to OUR rebelliousness before I/we get on our high horse. Judgment BEGINS at the house of God. Christian magazines need to return to Christianity but as always I fear there is too much $$ at stake and people to please for that to happen.